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As an author, coach and motivational speaker, Linda specializes in helping busy people master, balance and simplify their lives. Whether you are looking to put a sense of balance back in your life, strengthen areas that need support, or just take your life to the next level, whether in the field of health and fitness, relationships, communication, finance, business, or spirituality, Linda’s skills as a life coach/mentor are the quickest way to help you get there.


Linda has been a successful Home Business trainer for 23 years and has been a top Executive associate with LegalShield for the past 14 years; she is an inspiration to the many thousands of associates within her organization.

She has worked with the Anthony Robbins companies for 20 years at over 120 events including 4 years as a Senior Mentor for his organization in the US, European and Australian markets, and was also a Senior Mentor with Peak Potentials companies, home of the world-famous Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar by T. Harv Ecker.​


Life Coaching


Whether you are looking to put a sense of balance back in your life, strengthen areas that need support, or just take your life to the next level, whether in the field of health and fitness, relationships, communication, finance, business, or spirituality, having your own personal life coach/mentor is the quickest way to get there. I offer a complimentary 30 minute telephone evaluation for new clients with a suggested course of coaching of a minimum of 4 thirty-minute sessions over a period of one month. If you are truly serious about creating life-changing results, a minimum of 3 months is suggested.


For your complimentary evaluation click here.


Seminars & Workshops


I also offer a variety of workshops and motivational talks on Goal Setting, Time Management, Effective Networking & Communication, Leadership Skills, Alternative Health & Healing Strategies. Her keynotes are "The Celebration Workshop", "Balancing Business with Life" and "Cancer is Great for Your Health - The Journey".


To book your seminar or workshop click here.


Personal Development


Personal development is the key to enjoying every day of our journey through life, versus struggling through daily challenges. The more we succeed, the more we tend to take on. Understanding that life can be so much more fulfilling when we simplify it is the real key to freedom.


Each one of us is unique and everyone has uniquely different needs that can be met in a variety of healthy (and unhealthy) ways. By identifying our core values we can get clarity on the vision for our future and our life purpose. Then, as we start to prioritize and simplify our lives, by letting go of the stuff that has us mired in place, we can speed towards our respective desired destinations.


I have made many mistakes in my life and have been blessed to have learned great lessons from them. It delights me to share these experiences with you, whether in the capacity of a coach and mentor, or in the various leadership roles I play in life and business. Many of these lessons are included in my book, Monday Morning Motivational Moments (Click here.)

A Message From Linda


My mission is to share with you the simple secrets of success:


Freeing up your time to do the things you love, and do them today!

Leveraging your income streams to make money while you sleep!


Engaging your body in the "youthing" process to ensure health and longevity!

Motivational Speaker &  Life Coach

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